I came home today from teaching my riding lessons and went straight to the medicine cabinet. I had to give the lesson horse a quick school through a grid of jumps and it jolted my neck and set off painful muscle spasms. Needless to say, I wasn't in any condition to ride Wally as planned. It made me feel guilty. He stood at the gate, nickering at me, wondering why I was ignoring him. I couldn't resist his cute face. I went into the feedroom, grabbed a handful of peppermints and apologized. In response, Wally wrote this haiku:
Mother is unsound
She's creaky like old race horse
I know a good vet...
Hopefully I can saddle up Wally and trail ride him tomorrow. Otherwise he may have something even worse to say about me!
Wow! That face really IS irresistible!!! :) LOVE it.
Happy New Years to both you and Wally!!!
aww Wally such a cutie.
Hope your feeling better, so you can ride Wally tommorow.
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